I would like to share with you three simple vegan recipes: a salad, bruschettas and dessert. I hope you will try them and they will turn out tasty! Please send your feedback to me if you like them.
Feel free to replace some ingredients that you are missing with what ingredients you have in your kitchen or with your favourite ingredients.
Bruschettas With Avocado And Cherry Tomatoes

Bruschettas with avocado and cherry tomatoes
Ingredients for 4 bruschettas: 4 bruschettas, 1 ripe avocado, 4 cherry tomatoes, 2 spring onions, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches dried garlic, 2 pinches pepper.
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare it: slice the avocado in small parts, then crush the avocado slices with a fork until they become a paste. Add salt, garlic and pepper and mix.
Slice each cherry tomato in three. Slice the white part of the spring onions in thin pieces.
Spread the avocado paste on the bruschettas and decorate them with cherry tomato slices and onion slices. Enjoy!
Bruschete cu avocado si rosii cherry
Ingrediente pentru 4 bruschete: 4 bruschete, 1 avocado copt, 4 rosii cherry, 2 cepe de primavara, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri usturoi uscat, 2 prafuri piper.
Timp de preparare: 5 min
Cum prepari: tai avocado in felii mici si zdrobesti feliile cu furculita pana devin o pasta. Adaugi sare, usturoi si piper si amesteci.
Tai rosiile cherry in trei. Feliezi subtire partea alba a celor doua cepe de primavara.
Intinzi pasta de avocado peste bruschete. Decorezi bruschetele cu felii de rosii si felii de ceapa. Pofta buna!
Kale And Papaya Salad

Kale and papaya salad
Ingredients for 1 person: 1/2 papaya, 1 avocado, 2 handfuls kale, 2 Tsp baked seeds, 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp lemon juice.
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare it: slice the kale, the avocado and the papaya. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Enjoy!
Salata de kale cu papaya
Ingrediente pentru o persoana: 1/2 papaya, 1 avocado, 2 maini kale, 2 linguri seminte prajite, 1 lingurita ulei masline, 1 lingurita suc lamaie.
Timp de preparare: 5 min
Cum prepari: feliezi kale, avocado si papaya. Pui ingredientele intr-un bol si amesteci. Pofta buna!
Avocado And Raspberry Tart

Avocado and raspberry tart
Ingredients for one portion: 1 ripe avocado, 2 tsp maple syrup, 6 raspberries.
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare it: Grate the avocado finely. Add maple syrup to the avocado paste and mix. Give the avocado paste a round shape with a kitchen shape tool. Decorate the avocado tart with the raspberries. Enjoy!
Tarta de avocado cu zmeura
Ingrediente pentru o portie: 1 avocado copt, 2 lingurite sirop de artar, 6 fructe de zmeura.
Timp de preparare: 5 min
Cum prepari: Razi avocado fin. Adaugi 2 lingurite de artar in pasta de avocado si amesteci. Dai pastei de avocado o forma rotunda cu o forma de bucatarie. Decorezi tarta de avocado cu zmeura. Pofta buna!
For more simple and tasty vegan recipes, please check out my 35 Tasty Vegan Recipes eBook.