Tart with cashew cheese paste and broccoli offshoot
Ingredients for one tart: 1 expanded rice ring, 4 Tsp hot cashew cheese paste with dried tomatoes, 2 cherry tomatoes, 2 little bouquets of broccoli offshoot for decorating.
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare the tart: spread 4 Tsp cashew cheese paste on the expanded rice ring. Slice the cherry tomatoes in small slices. Decorate the tart with tomato slices placed in the middle as a flower. Decorate the tart with the 2 bouquets of broccoli offshoot placed at the top, each on one side, by poking their roots in the paste and covering the roots with tomatoes for aesthetic reasons. Enjoy!
Tarta cu pasta de branza caju cu vlastari de broccoli
Ingrediente pentru 1 tarta: o rondea de orez expandat, 4 linguri pasta de branza vegana, 2 buchetele de vlastari de broccoli.
Timp de preparare: 5 min
Cum prepari: ungi rondeaua de orez expandat cu 4 linguri de pasta de branza caju. Tai rosiile cherry in felii subtiri. Decorezi tarta cu felii de rosii asezate in centru ca o floare. Decorezi tarta cu cele 2 buchetele de vlastari de broccoli asezandu-le in partea de sus a tartei, de o parte si de alta si infingand radacinile vlastarilor in pasta si acoperindu-le cu rosii pentru un aspect placut.
Pofta buna!