Tagliatele cu zucchini
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii: 4 rondele tagliatele (100g), 1 ceapa mare, 1 morcov mare, 1 zucchini mediu, 2 cesti lapte cocos, 8 linguri ulei masline, 4 prafuri sare, 4 prafuri piper alb, 4 prafuri cimbru uscat.
Timp de preparare: 25 min
Cum prepari reteta: toci ceapa, feliezi morcovul marunt si tai zucchini in felii, apoi tai fiecare felie in patru. Asezi legumele intr-o tigaie cu ulei incins si adaugi sare, piper si cimbru. Amesteci si lasi pe foc 3 min, amestecand din cand in cand. Adaugi apa cat sa acopere legumele si lasi la fiert 20 min. La jumatatea timpului de fierbere adaugi 2 cesti lapte cocos si amesteci. In ultimele 10 min pui tagliatelele la fiert separat, apoi le scurgi. Asezi zucchini in 2 farfurii de supa, apoi asezi cate 2 melci tagliatele in fiecare farfurie. Pofta buna!
Tagliatelle and zucchini
Ingredients for 2 portions: 4 tagliatelle nests (100g), 1 large carrot, 1 large onion, 1 average zucchini, 8 Tsp olive oil, 2 cups coconut milk, 4 pinches salt, 4 pinches white pepper, 4 pinches dried savory.
Preparation time: 25 min
How to prepare the recipe: chop the onion, slice the carrot in small cubes, slice the zucchini in round slices, then slice each slice in four. Add the vegetables in a pan with pre-heated oil. Add salt, pepper and savory. Mix and let on a small fire for 3 min, stirring from time to time. Add water to cover the vegetables and boil for 20 min on a small fire. At the half of the boiling time, add 2 cups of coconut milk and stir. In the last 10 min, boil the tagliatelle separately and strain them. Place the zucchini in 2 average soup plates and add 2 nests of tagliatelle in each plate. Enjoy!