Rosii cherry cu pasta de caju
Ingrediente pentru 1 portie: 3 rosii cherry, 1 mana nuci caju, 8-10 linguri apa, 1 ceapa mica, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper, 6 frunze patrunjel.
Timp preparare: 10 min
Cum prepari reteta:
Cum pregatesti pasta de caju (70g): pui intr-un robot de bucatarie 1 mana caju, 1 ceapa mica tocata, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper si 8-10 linguri apa. Macini 30 sec oprindu-te dupa fiecare 5 sec sa nu suprasoliciti robotul.
Feliezi rosiile cherry in doua si le asezi pe o farfurie. Decorezi feliile de rosii cu pasta de caju si frunze de patrunjel. Pofta buna!
Cherry tomatoes with cashew paste
Ingredients for 1 portion: 3 cherry tomatoes, 1 handful cashew nuts, 8-10 Tsp water, 1 small onion, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches pepper, 6 parsley leaves.
Preparation time: 10 min
How to prepare the recipe:
Place the cashew, water, salt, pepper and the chopped onion in a kitchen robot. Mix for 30 sec stopping after each 5 sec not to overuse the robot.
Slice the cherry tomatoes in two. Place the cherry tomato slices on a plate and decorate the tomato slices with cashew paste and parsley leaves. Enjoy!