Prajitura Ghadeer
Am creat aceasta prajitura in onoarea prietenei mele Ghadeer, a carei zi de nastere este pe 7 februarie. Daca doriti sa o ajutati cu o donatie sa isi reconstruiasca viata dupa dificultatile din Orientul Apropiat, acesta este fundraiser-ul ei: fundraiser Multumesc!
Ingrediente pentru 1 prajitura: 1 avocado copt, 2 lingurite cacao, 2 prafuri scortisoara, 70g nuci caju, 1 1/2 portocala, 2 lingurite fulgi cocos, 2 maini boabe afine.
Timp de preparare: 10 min
Cum prepari reteta: razi avocado fin si il ameteci cu 2 lingurite cacao si 2 prafuri scortisoara. Amesteci intr-un robot de bucatarie nucile caju, fulgii de cocos si miezul de la 1 portocala taiat cuburi. Folosind o forma rotunda din inox, pe o farfurie creezi un prim etaj de avocado, apoi al doilea etaj de crema de portocala. Decorezi prajitura si farfuria cu boabe de afine si felii de portocala. Pofta buna!
Ghadeer cake
I created this cake in honor of my friend Ghadeer whose birthday is on 7th February. If you would like to help her rebuild her life after the recent difficulties in The Middle East, you are invited to contribute to her fundraiser. Thank you!
Ingredients for 1 cake: 1 ripe avocado, 2 pinches cinnamon, 2 tsp cocoa, 70g cashew nuts, 2 tsp coconut flakes, 1 1/2 orange, 2 handfuls blueberry.
Preparation time: 10 min
How to prepare the recipe: grate 1 avocado finely and mix it with 2 pinches cinnamon and 2 tsp cocoa. Mix 70g cashew with 2 tsp coconut flakes and cubes from 1 orange in a kitchen processor. Using a round stainless steel shaper, on a plate, create a first level of avocado, then a second level of orange cream. Decorate the cake and the plate with blueberries and orange slices. Enjoy!