Pasta with stevia
Ingredients for one portion: 100g pasta, 1 bunch of stevia, 6 teaspoons of tomatoe paste, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches dried garlic, 2 pinches dried thyme, 1/2 liter water, 1 tsp oil.
Preparation time: 20 min
How to prepare it: place the pasta in a pan with water. Add the choppef stevia, 1 tsp oil, the spices and the tomato sauce. Keep on medium fire for 20 min stirring from time to time.
Serve on a plate.
Paste cu stevie
Ingrediente pentru o portie: 100g paste, 1 legatura stevie, 6 lingurite pasta de rosii, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri usturoi uscat, 2 prafuri cimbru uscat, 1/2 litru apa, 1 lingurita ulei.
Timp de preparare: 20 min
Cum prepari: pune pastele intr-o tigaie cu apa, adauga stevia tocata, 1 lingurita ulei, condimentele si pasta de tomate. Tine pe foc mediu 20 min amestecand din cand in cand.
Serveste pe o farfurie.
Pofta buna!