Pasta with cashew yoghurt and cherry tomatoes
Ingredients for one portion: 100g pasta, 6 Tsp cashew yoghurt, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches pepper, 4 slices cucumber, 6 cherry tomatoes.
Preparation time: 30 min
How to prepare the recipe: boil the pasta in water for 20 min, then strain it. Let the pasta cool for 5 min. Add the yoghurt and mix. Place the pasta on a plate. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper. Slice the cherry tomatoes and cucumber in small pieces and sprinkle them over the pasta. Enjoy!
Paste cu iaurt de caju si rosii cherry
Ingrediente pentru o portie: 100g paste, 6 linguri iaurt de caju, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper, 4 felii castravete, 6 rosii cherry.
Timp de preparare: 30 min
Cum prepari reteta: fierbi pastele pentru 20 min, apoi le scurgi. Lasi pastele 5 min sa se raceasca. Adaugi iaurtul si amesteci. Presari 2 prafuri sare si 2 prafuri piper peste paste. Feliezi castravetele si rosiile cherry in felii mici si le adaugi peste paste. Pofta buna!