Ovaz cu kiwi
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii: 16 pumni ovaz, 2 kiwi coapte, 4 lingurite boabe rodie, 1 banana, 1 mango copt.
Timp de preparare: 10 min
Cum prepari reteta: mixezi intr-un robot ovazul, banana taiata felii si mango taiat felii. Asezi ovazul in 2 boluri medii. Feliezi cele 2 fructe de kiwi. Decorezi fiecare bol cu felii de kiwi si boabe de rodie. Pofta buna!
Oats and kiwi
Ingredients for 2 portions: 16 handfuls oats, 2 ripe kiwi, 4 tsp pomegranate, 1 banana, 1 ripe mango.
Preparation time: 10 min
How to prepare the recipe: mix the oats, the sliced banana and the sliced mango in a robot. Place the oats in 2 medium bowls. Decorate the bowls with kiwi slices and pomegranate seeds. Enjoy!