Fried asparagus with rice
Ingredients for 1 portion: 1 average bunch of asparagus, 50 g rice, 1 cherry tomato, 8 Tsp oil, 1 tsp oil, 3 pinches salt, 2 pinches pepper.
Preparation time: 25 min
How to prepare the dish: Boil the rice for 20 min over an average fire with 1 pinch salt and 1 tsp oil. Then strain the rice and let it cool. Wash the asparagus and cut the stems in smaller pieces with your hands. Place it in hot oil. Sprinkle 2 pinches salt and 2 pinches pepper over it. Let it fry for 3-5 min, stirring from time to time. Remove the asparagus from the pan and place it on a plate covered by kitchen paper that will absorb the extra oil. Give the rice a round shape with a kitchen steel shape and place 4 cherry tomato slices over it. Place the asparagus on the plate where you have the rice. Enjoy!
Sparanghel prajit cu orez
Ingrediente pentru o portie: 1 legatura sparanghel medie, 50g orez, 1 rosie cherry, 8 linguri ulei, 1 lingurita ulei, 3 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper.
Timp de prepare: 25 min
Cum prepari reteta: fierbi orezul 20 min cu 1 lingurita ulei si un praf sare. Scurgi orezul si il lasi sa se raceasca. Speli sparanghelul si rupi firele de sparanghel in bucati mici cu mainile. Pui sparanghelul in ulei incins. Presari 2 prafuri sare si 2 prafuri piper peste sparanghel. Prajesti 3-5 min, amestecand din cand in cand. Pui sparanghelul pe o farfurie acoperita cu hartie de bucatarie care va absorbi uleiul extra. Dai orezului o forma rotunda cu o forma de bucatarie din inox. Decorezi tarta de orez cu 4 felii rosii cherry. Asezi sparanghelul pe farfuria cu orez. Pofta buna!