Cus-cus cu castravete
Ingrediente pentru 1 portie: 2 pumni de cus-cus (50g), 2 lingurite pasta de tomate, 2 linguri ulei de masline, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri cimbru uscat, 2 felii castravete, putin mix de salata pentru decor, 8-10 boabe porumb din conserva pentru decor.
Timp de preparare: 15 min
Cum prepari reteta: incingi uleiul in tigaie 30 sec, apoi adaugi sarea si cimbrul. Lasi condimentele in ulei incins 30 sec pentru ca cimbrul sa isi lase aroma in ulei. Opresti focul 30 sec sa se raceasca uleiul un pic. Apoi pornesti focul din nou. Adaugi 250 ml apa si cus-cus-ul, adaugi pasta de tomate, amesteci si lasi pe foc 5 min, amestecand din cand in cand. Strecori cus-cus-ul si il lasi sa se raceasca 5 min. Tai fiecare felie de castravete in doua. Dai cus-cus-ului o forma rotunda cu o forma din inox si il decorezi cu felii de castravete. Decorezi farfuria cu salata si boabe de porumb. Pofta buna!
Cous-cous with cucumber
Ingredients for 1 portion: 2 handfuls cous-cous (50g), 2 tsp tomato paste, 2 Tsp olive oil, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches dried savory, 2 cucumber slices, a little salad mix for decoration, 8-10 corn berries from a can.
Preparation time: 15 min
How to prepare the recipe: heat the oil for 30 sec, then add the salt and the dried savory. Leave the spices for 30 sec in the heated oil for the savory to leave its savour in the oil. Let the oil cool for 5 min. Turn the fire back on. Add 250 ml water, the tomato paste, the cous-cous and boil for 5 min, stirring from time to time. Strain the cous-cous and let it cool for 5 min. Give the cous-cous a round shape with a stainless steel shaper. Slice each cucumber slice in two. Decorate the cous-cous with the cucumber slices. Decorate the plate with salad mix and corn berries. Enjoy!