Crema de caju cu cirese
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii: 150 g caju crud, 2 linguri nuca de cocos rasa, 2 pahare mici lapte de cocos, 16 cirese.
Timp de peparare: 5 min
Cum prepari reteta: pui nucile de caju, nuca de cocos rasa si laptele de cocos intr-un robot si mixezi 20 sec, facand pauza de 2 sec dupa fiecare 5 sec sa nu suprasoliciti robotul. Folosesti 2 pahare din sticle pentru servirea cremei. Asezi 5 cirese pe fundul fiecarui pahar. Apoi asezi crema de caju in fiecare pahar folosind o lingura si facand miscari circulare sa asezi crema frumos in pahar. Decorezi fiecare pahar cu 3 cirese. Pofta buna!
Cashew paste with cherries
Ingredients for 2 portions: 150g cashew, 2 Tsp grated coconut, 2 small glasses of coconut milk, 16 cherries.
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare the recipe: place the cashew nuts, the grated coconut and the coconut milk in a robot and mix for 20 sec, taking a 2 sec pause after each 5 sec not to overuse the robot. Use 2 glasses to serve the paste. Place 5 cherries at the bottom of each glass. Place the cashew cream in each glass using a spoon and making circular moves so that the cream is placed nicely in the glasses. Decorate each glass with 3 cherries. Enjoy!