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Ciuperci shimeji prajite in frunze de andiva/Fried shimeji mushrooms in endive leaves

Ciuperci shimeji prajite in frunze de andiva

Ingrediente pentru 1 portie (8 frunze de andiva): 8 frunze andiva, jumate de manunchi de ciuperci shimeji (75g), 1 ridiche mare, 8 linguri ulei, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper, 2 prafuri cimbru uscat.

Timp de preparare: 10 min

Cum prepari reteta: tai ciupercile shimeji in manunchiuri mici si le pui la prajit in ulei incins. Presari sare, piper si cimbru peste ciuperci si le prajesti 5 min intorcandu-le in acest timp pe ambele parti sa nu se arda. Azezi frunzele de andiva pe o farfurie si le decorezi cu ciuperci prajite. Decorezi farfuria cu felii de ridiche. Poti servi acest preparat cu rosii cherry dulci sau seminte de rodie acrisoare pentru a balansa gustul amar al frunzelor de andiva. Pofta buna!

Fried shimeji mushrooms in endive leaves

Ingredients for 1 portion: 8 endive leaves, half a shimeji bunch (75g), 1 large radish, 8 Tsp oil, 2 salt pinches, 2 pepper pinches, 2 pinches dried savory.

Preparation time: 10 min

How to prepare the recipe: slice the shimeji bunch in smaller bunches and fry the mushrooms for 5 min in heated oil spiced with salt, pepper and dried savory. Turn the mushrooms on each side during the 5 min for the mushrooms not to burn. Place the endive leaves on a plate and decorate them with fried mushrooms. Decorate the plate with radish slices. You can serve the dish with sweet cherry tomatoes or sour pomegranate seeds to compensate the bitter endive taste. Enjoy!



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