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Ciuperci la cuptor umplute cu cus-cus si ridiche/Baked mushrooms stuffed with couscous and radish

Ciuperci la cuptor umplute cu cus-cus si ridiche

Ingrediente pentru 1 portie: 4 ciuperci medii, 1 pumn cus-cus, 2 cepe medii, 4 linguri ulei masline, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri curry, 2 prafuri usturoi, 2 prafuri oregano uscat, 1 ridiche rosie medie, cateva frunze verzi de coriandru.

Timp de preparare: 20 min

Cum prepari reteta: indepartezi piciorusele ciupercilor si le pui la cuptorul pre-incins 10 min. Dupa ce se coc ciupercile, arunci sucul care se formeaza in cupele ciupercilor.

In timp ce ai ciupercile la cuptor, toci ceapa si o calesti pentru 2-3 min in ulei incins in care ai presarat condimentele. Amesteci din cand in cand sa nu se prinda ceapa. Indepartezi ceapa de pe foc pentru 2-3 min sa ii scada temperatura. Apoi adaugi cuscus-ul si apa astfel incat apa sa acomodeze cresterea in volum de 3 ori a cuscus-ului in timpul fierberii. Tii cuscus-ul pe foc 5 min amestecand din cand in cand sa nu se prinda cuscus-ul.

Lasi cuscus-ul sa se raceasca 5 min.

Asezi ciupercile pe o farfurie cu cupele in sus si le decorezi cu cuscus, cubulete de ridichii si coriandru tocat. Pofta buna!

Baked mushrooms stuffed with couscous and radish

Ingredients for 1 portion: 4 average mushrooms, 1 handful couscous, 4 Tsp olive oil, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches garlic, 2 pinches curry, 2 pinches dried oregano, 1 average red radish, a few green leaves of coriander

Preparation time: 20 min

How to prepare the recipe: remove the mushrooms` stem and place them with the cups up in the pre-heated oven for 10 min. After you have baked the mushrooms, pour out the juice that has been collected in the cups during baking.

While you are baking the mushrooms, saute the chopped onions for 3-4 min in pre-heated oil where you have sprinkled the spices. Stir from time to time so that the onions don`t stick. Remove the onion from the fire for 2-3 min until the temperature drops a little. Then add the couscous and enough water to accommodate the couscous when it triples its volume during boiling. Boil the couscous for 5 min, stirring from time to time so that the couscous doesn`t stick. Let the couscous cool for 5 min.

Place the mushrooms on a plate with the cups up and decorate them with couscous, radish small cubes and chopped coriander. Enjoy!



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