Ciuperci la cuptor cu orez
Ingrediente pentru 1 portie (6 ciuperci): 6 ciuperci medii, 100g orez congelat cu mazare, 1 ceapa medie, porumb si ardei rosu, 4 linguri ulei masline, 6 prafuri sare, 4 prafuri piper, 2 prafuri ghimbir, 2 prafuri turmeric, 4 prafuri oregano uscat.
Timp de preparare: 30 min
Cum prepari reteta: indepartezi piciorusul ciupercilor si le pui intr-o tava mica. Apoi le stropesti cu 1 lingura ulei si presari 2 prafuri sare peste ele. Incalzesti cuptorul 5 min, apoi tii ciupercile in cuptor 10 min. In paralel, fierbi orezul 20 min in apa cu 1 lingura ulei , 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper, 2 prafuri ghimbir, 2 prafuri turmeric, 2 prafuri oregano uscat amestecand din cand in cand sa nu se prinda orezul. Lasi orezul 5 min sa se raceasca. Calesti ceapa tocata 2-3 min in 2 linguri ulei preincalzit cu 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper si 2 prafuri oregano, apoi amesteci ceapa cu orezul sa dai orezului un gust mai dulce. Asezi ciupercile pe o farfurie si le decorezi cu orez. Pofta buna!
Baked mushrooms and rice
Ingredients for 1 portion (6 mushrooms): 6 average mushrooms, 100g frozen rice with peas, corn and red pepper, 1 average onion, 4 Tsp olive oil, 6 pinches salt, 4 pinches pepper, 2 pinches ginger, 2 pinches turmeric, 4 pinches dried oregano.
Preparation time: 30 min
How to prepare the recipe: remove the mushrooms` feet and place them in a small tray. Pour 1 Tsp oil over them and sprinkle 2 pinches salt over them. Heat the oven for 5 min, then keep the mushrooms in the oven for 10 min. In parallel, boil the rice for 20 min in water with 1 Tsp oil, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches pepper, 2 pinches ginger, 2 pinches turmeric and 2 pinches dried oregano, stirring from time to time so that the rice doesn`t stick. Let the rice cool for 5 min. Sautee the chopped onion for 2-3 min in 2 Tsp of preheated oil with 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches pepper and 2 pinches dried oregano. Mix the onion with the rice to give the rice a sweeter taste. Place the mushrooms on a plate and decorate them with rice. Enjoy!