Ciuperci la cuptor cu mamaliga si rucola
Ingrediente pentru o portie: 6 ciuperci medii, 6 linguri mamaliga cu sare, piper si cimbru, 4 frunze rucola.
Timp de preparare: 15 min
Cum prepari reteta: indepartezi piciorului ciupercilor si le pui in cuptorul preincalzit 10 min. Intre timp, fierbi malaiul cu condimentele pentru 4-5 min amestecand din cand in cand sa nu se prinda. Asezi ciupercile pe o farfurie si le decorezi cu mamaliga si rucola tocata. Pofta buna!
Baked mushrooms with polenta and ruccola
Ingredients for 1 portion: 6 average mushrooms, 6 Tsp polenta with salt, pepper and savory, 4 ruccola leaves.
Preparation time: 15 min
How to prepare the recipe: remove the mushrooms` legs and place them in a pre-heated oven for 10 min. In parallel boil the corn with the spices for 4-5 min stirring from time to time for the polenta not to stick. Place the mushrooms on a plate and decorate the mushrooms with polenta and chopped ruccola. Enjoy!