Ciuperca prajita decorata cu ardei
Ingrediente pentru o portie: o ciuperca mare, 6-8 linguri ulei de masline, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper, 2 prafuri cimbru uscat, 1 rosie cherry, o felie subtire ardei galben gras, 2 felii castravete, 1 frunza de patrunjel.
Timp de preparare: 10 min
Cum prepari reteta: inlaturi piciorusul ciupercii si o asezi in ulei incins intr-o mica tigaie. Presari un praf sare, un praf piper si un praf cimbru peste ciuperca. Dupa 2 minute, intorci ciuperca pe cealalta parte si presari un praf sare, un praf piper si un praf cimbru peste ea. Prajesti ciuperca inca 2 minute, apoi o asezi pe o farfurie pe care ai asezat in prealabil un servetel de hartie. Lasi ciuperca pe servetel 2-3 minute pana se scurge uleiul in exces. Apoi asezi ciuperca pe o farfurie medie cu gura in sus. Feliezi ardeiul in cubulete is tai rosia cherry in sase. Decorezi ciuperca cu cuburi de ardei si rosii cherry si o frunza de patrunjel. Tai fiecare felie de castravete in doua. Decorezi farfuria cu felii de castravete. Pofta buna!
Fried mushroom decorated with pepper
Ingredients for one portion: one large mushroom, 1 cherry tomato, 1 thin slice of yellow pepper, 2 slices cucumber, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches pepper, 2 pinches dried savory, 6-8 Tsp olive oil, 1 parsley leaf.
Preparation time: 10 min
How to prepare the recipe: remove the mushroom`s leg and place the mushroom in heated oil. Sprinkle the mushroom with 1 pinch salt, 1 pinch pepper and 1 pinch savory. Fry the mushroom for 2 min on this side, then turn it. Sprinkle 1 pinch salt, 1 pinch pepper and 1 pinch savory on the mushroom and fry it for 2 more min. Place the mushroom on a plate where you have placed a paper napkin for 2-3 min for the napkin to absorb the extra oil. Place the mushroom on an average plate with the opening up. Slice the cherry tomato in six. Slice the pepper slice in small cubes. Decorate the mushroom with pepper and tomato cubes and a parsley leaf. Slice each slice of cucumber in two. Decorate the plate with cucumber slices. Enjoy!