Cereale cu nectarine
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii: 16 linguri cereale, 20 linguri lapte migdale, 4 boabe strugure, 6 felii nectarine.
Timp preparare: 5 min
Cum pregatesti reteta: folosesti 2 boluri mici si pui 8 linguri cereale in fiecare bol. Apoi adaugi cate 10 linguri lapte migdale in fiecare bol. Decorezi fiecare bol cu 2 boabe de strugure taiate in doua si 3 felii nectarina. Pofta buna!
Cereals with nectarines
Ingredients for 2 portions: 16 Tsp cereals, 20 Tsp almond milk, 4 grape berries, 6 slices nectarines
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare the recipe: use 2 small bowls and put 8 Tsp cereals in each bowl. Then add 10 Tsp almond milk in each bowl. Decorate each bowl with 2 grape berries cut in 2 and 3 slices of nectarine. Enjoy!