Budinca de banane si ovaz
Ingrediente pentru 1 portie: 1 banana coapta, 2 maini ovaz, 10 linguri lapte cocos, 2 linguri cacao, 2 linguri migdale coapte.
Timp de preparare: 5 min
Cum prepari reteta: pui intr-un robot de bucatarie banana taiata felii, ovazul, laptele si pudra de cacao. Le macini in robot 20 sec, oprindu-te putin dupa fiecare 5 sec sa nu suprasoliciti robotul. Aseaza budinca intr-un bol mic de sticla si decoreaz-o cu migdale. Pofta buna!
Banana and oats pudding
Ingredients for 1 portion: 1 ripe banana, 2 handfuls of oats, 10 Tsp coconut milk, 2 Tsp cocoa, 2 Tsp baked almonds
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare the recipe: place the sliced banana, the oats, the milk and the cocoa in a robot and mix for 20 sec stopping a little after each 5 sec not to overuse the robot. Place the pudding in a small glass bowl and decorate it with almonds. Enjoy!