Buddha bowl with cherry tomatoes
Ingredients for one portion: 50g rice, 1tsp oil with savory flavour, 2 pinches salt, 4 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 red pepper, 2 little bouquets of broccoli offshoot, 4 cashew nuts, 3 tsp hot pepper jam.
Preparation time: 35 min
How to prepare the recipe: boil the rice in water over a small fire for 20 min with 1 tsp oil and 2 pinches salt. Let the rice cool for 10 min.
Place the rice in a bowl.
Slice each cherry tomato in 2 and place the tomatoes around the rice, covering 3/4 of its round margin. Along the other 1/4 of the round margin place the 2 bouquets of broccoli offshoot. Place 2 cashew nuts over the roots of each broccoli bouquet to hide them for a nice design.
Slice the red pepper in small square slices. Place the pepper slices over the cherries. Pour 3 tsp hot pepper jam over the cherries and pepper.
Buddha bowl cu rosii cherry
Ingrediente pentru o portie: 50g orez, 1 lingurita ulei cu savoare de cimbru, 2 prafuri sare, 4 rosii cherry, 1/2 ardei rosu, 2 buchetele de vlastari de broccoli, 4 nuci caju, 3 lingurite dulceata de ardei iute.
Timp de preparare: 35 min
Cum prepari reteta: fierbi orezul in apa pe foc mic cu 1 lingurita ulei si 2 prafuri sare. Lasi orezul sa se raceasca 10 min, apoi asezi orezul intr-un bol.
Feliezi fiecare rosie in doua si adaugi rosiile in bol acopering 3/4 din marginea rotunda a bolului. Asezi cele 2 buchetele de vlastari de broccoli de-a lungul unui sfert din marginea rotunda a bolului. Asezi cate 2 nuci caju peste radacinile fiecarui buchet de broccoli pentru a le ascunde astfel incat aspectul sa fie placut.
Adauga 3 lingurite dulceata peste feliile de rosii si ardei.
Pofta buna!