Buddha bowl with bulgur and raddish
Ingredients for 1 portion: 75g bulgur, 1 red raddish, 1 cherry tomato, 2 spring onions, 2 cashew nuts, 2 almonds, 2 olives, 2 blueberries, 1 tsp oil, 2 pinches salt.
Preparation time: 20 min
How to prepare the dish: boil the bulgur for 5 min in water with 1 tsp oil and 2 pinches salt. Let the bulgur cool for 10 min.
Add the bulgur in a bowl and decorate it with sliced spring onion, olives, cashew nuts, almonds, sliced radish, blueberries and the cherry tomato sliced in two.
Buddha bowl cu bulgur si ridiche
Ingrediente pentru o portie: 75g bulgur, 1 ridiche rosie, 1 rosie cherry, 2 cepe verzi, 2 nuci caju, 2 migdale, 2 masline, 2 afine, 1 lingurita ulei Luna Solai, 2 prafuri sare.
Timp de preparare: 20 min
Cum prepari reteta: fierbi bulgurul in apa cu 1 lingurita ulei si 2 prafuri sare 5 min. Lasi bulgurul sa se raceasca 10 min.
Pui bulgurul intr-un bol si il decorezi cu ceapa feliata, 2 masline, 2 nuci caju, 2 migdale, ridiche feliata, 2 afine, rosia cherry feliata in doua.
Pofta buna!