Broccoli masala
Ingredients for one portion: 1 average onion, 6 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 average broccoli, 4 Tsp oil, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches cumin, 2 pinches ginger, 1 pinch chili, 2 pinches turmeric. Preparation time: 30 min
How to prepare the dish: put 4 oil Tsp in a pan and let it heat for 30 sec. Add salt and cumin and keep on fire for 30 sec. Add ginger, chili and turmeric. Slice the onion finely and add it in the pan. Mix and let the onion on fire for 4 min, stirring from time to time. Slice each cherry tomato in 4. Add the tomatoes in the pan and let them on fire for 5 min, stirring from time to time. Slice the broccoli finely and add it in the pan. Mix for 30 sec. Add 250 ml water, mix, put the lid over the pan and keep it on a small fire for 15 min, stirring from time to time. Serve the broccoli masala on a big round plate and eat it with bread slices. Enjoy!
Masala de broccoli
Ingrediente pentru o portie: o ceapa medie, 6 rosii cherry, 1/2 broccoli mediu, 4 linguri ulei, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri chimen, 2 prafuri ghimbir, 1 praf chili, 2 prafuri turmeric.
Timp de preparare: 30 min
Cum prepari reteta: pui 4 linguri ulei in tigaie pe foc mic si lasi uleiul sa se incinga 30 sec. Adaugi sare si chimen si mai lasi uleiul pe foc 30 sec. Adaugi ghimbir, chili si turmeric. Feliezi ceapa fin si o adaugi in tigaie. Amesteci si lasi ceapa pe foc 4 min, amestecand din cand in cand. Feliezi fiecare rosie cherry in 4 felii si adaugi rosiile in tigaie. Amesteci si lasi rosiile pe foc 5 min, amestecand din cand in cand. Feliezi broccoli fin si il adaugi in tigaie. Amesteci 30 sec, apoi adaugi 250 ml apa ( o cana). Pui capacul peste tigaie si lasi broccoli pe foc 15 min, amestecand din cand in cand. Servesti broccoli pe o farfurie rotunda mare si mananci cu felii de paine. Pofta buna!