Beans and mashed vegetables tart with biscuits
Ingredients for one tart: 100g beans and mashed vegetables, a few corn beans from a tin for decorating, 2 small chives offshoot (4g) and 10-15 small biscuits.
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare the tart: give the beans and mashed vegetables a round shape with a stainless steel kitchen form.
Decorate the tart with corn beans and chives offshoot. Poke 2 biscuits into the tart as a nice way of decorating.
Place 5-6 biscuits on the presentation plate.
Tarta de zacusca de fasole cu biscuiti
Ingrediente pentru o tarta: 100g zacusca fasole, 4g vlastari de chives (2 buchetele), cateva boabe de porumb de la conserva pentru decorare, 10-15 biscuiti cu rosii si busuioc.
Timp de preparare: 5 min
Cum prepari: dai zacustii o forma rotunda cu o forma de bucatarie din inox.
Decorezi tarta de zacusca cu vlastari de chives si boabe de porumb. Infingi 2 biscuiti in tarta ca o forma de decorare. Asezi alti 5-6 biscuiti pe farfuria de prezentare.
Pofta buna!