Baked pasta with yellow lentils
Ingredients for 2 portions: 200g pasta, 1 red pepper, 4 handfuls of yellow lentils, 2 Tsp finely sliced pickle mix, 1 tsp Luna Solai cold pressed oil, 4 pinches salt, 2 pinches pepper, 2 pinches ginger, fresh parsley for decorating.
Preparation time: 25 min
How to prepare the recipe: put 200g pasta in an oven tray. Slice the red pepper in small cubes. Add the red pepper small cubes in the tray. Add the lentils, the pickle mix, salt, pepper and ginger. Add water to cover all ingredients. Add 1 tsp oil and mix. Keep in the oven at 200 degrees C for 20 min. Take the pasta out of the oven and let it cool for 5 min. Serve on 2 plates. Sprinkle each plate with chopped parsley. Enjoy!
Paste la cuptor cu linte galbena
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii: 200g paste, 4 maini linte galbena, 1 ardei rosu, 2 linguri mix de muraturi feliate subtire, 1 lingurita ulei presat la rece Luna Solai , 4 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper, 2 prafuri ghimbir, patrunjel verde pentru decorat.
Timp de preparare: 25 min
Cum prepari reteta: pui pastele intr-o tava de cuptor. Feliezi ardeiul rosu in cubulete si adaugi cubuletele in tigaie. Adaugi lintea, mix de muraturi, sare, piper si ghimbir. Adaugi apa cat sa acopere ingredientele. Adaugi o lingurita ulei. Amesteci si tii la cuptor la 200 grade pentru 20 min. Scoti pastele din cuptor si le lasi sa se raceasca 5 min. Servesti pe 2 farfurii mari. Decorezi fiecare farfurie cu patrunjel verde tocat. Pofta buna!