Avocado tart with cashew parmesan
Ingredients for 1 tart: 1 ripe avocado, 4 tsp cashew parmesan, 2 pinches pepper, a few leaves of fresh basil, 4 small thin slices of red pepper.
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare the recipe: grate the avocado thinly and give it a round shape on a small plate with a stainless steel round tool. Sprinkle the pepper and the cashew parmesan over the avocado tart while the round tool is still around the avocado tart, then remove the round tool. Decorate the avocado tart with fresh basil leaves. Decorate the plate with red pepper thin slices. Enjoy!
Tarta de avocado cu parmezan de caju
Ingrediente pentru 1 tarta: 1 avocado copt, 2 prafuri piper, 4 lingurite parmezan caju, cateva frunze busuioc verde, 4 felii subtiri de ardei rosu.
Timp de preparare: 5 min
Cum prepari reteta: razi avocado si ii dai o forma rotunda pe o farfurioara cu o forma rotunda de inox. Presari piper si parmezan de caju peste tarta de avocado cat forma rotunda este inca in jurul tartei de avocado. Apoi inlatura forma rotunda din inox. Decoreaza tarta de avocado cu cateva frunze de busuioc verde. Decoreaza farfurioara cu 4 felii subtiri de ardei rosu. Pofta buna!