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Almond tart with strawberries

Almond tart with strawberries

Ingredients for one tart: 5 Tsp almond wheat, 5 Tsp coconut milk, 2 medium strawberries, 1/4 black cherry jam.

Preparation time: 5 min

How to prepare the recipe: mix 5 Tsp almond wheat with 5 Tsp coconut milk until you have a consistent paste. Give the almond paste a round shape with a stainless steel kitchen shaper.

Decorate the tart and the plate with strawberry slices and black cherry jam.


Tarta de migdale cu capsune

Ingrediente pentru o tarta: 5 linguri faina de migdale, 5 linguri lapte cocos, 2 capsune medii, 1/4 lingurita dulceata de cirese negre.

Timp de preparare: 5 min

Cum prepari reteta: amesteci faina de migdale cu laptele de cocos pana ce obtii o pasta omogena. Dai pastei o forma rotunda cu o forma de inox.

Decorezi tarta si farfuria cu felii de capsune si dulceata de cirese negre.

Pofta buna!

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